24 incarnations of Lord Vishnu: Know about Dashavatara and other incarnations
Lord Vishnu: God rules the cosmos as the Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh), according to Sanatan Dharma. The five elements—land, water, air, sky, and fire—make up the earth, often known as the mortal world. As he taught Arjun the Gita in the Mahabharata, Shri Krishna said, “I am God, and whenever there is a decline in religion, I take incarnation.”

The manifestations of Lord Vishnu
While some other texts indicate 24 incarnations of Lord Vishnu, the Shrimad Bhagwat Purana describes 22 incarnations. Dashavatara, or the 10 primary incarnations, are particularly well-known among them. The following 10 incarnations are listed in the Garuda Purana:
Matsya Avatar
Kurma Avatar
Varaha Avatar
Narasimha Avatar
Vaman Avatar
Parashurama Avatar
Shri Ram Avatar
Shri Krishna Avatar
Buddha Avatar
The Kalki avatar will appear at the conclusion of the Kaliyuga period.
Lord Vishnu’s 24 incarnations
The four Kumar Munis who sprang from Brahmaji were Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, and Sanatkumara.
Matsya Avatar: An avatar created to protect the planet from a flood.
Brahmaji’s Manas Putra is Narad Muni.
Sons of Dharma and Ruchi, Nara-Narayan used penance to defend Dharma.
The creator of Sankhya Yoga is Kapil Muni.
The combined form of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh is called Dattatreya.
In order to maintain Mount Mandaraachal’s stability during Samudra Manthan, Kurma Avatar was created as a tortoise.
Samudra Manthan, the source of Ayurvedic knowledge, is the father of Dhanvantari.
The Mohini Avatar was taken to provide the gods with nectar.
Yagna Avatar: This avatar was created to keep the Yagnas safe.
By plundering the land, Adiraj Prithu, an Avatar, imparted information about agriculture.
The purpose of the Varaha Avatar is to destroy Hiranyaksha and remove the earth from the sea.
Narasimha Avatar: By eliminating Hiranyakashipu, he saved the devotee Prahlad.
The purpose of the Hayagriva Avatar was to safeguard the Vedas.
By capturing the whole cosmos from King Bali in three stages, Vaman Avatar protected Indralok.
Shri Hari was established to defend religion.
By opposing injustice, Parshuram Avatar slew the Kshatriyas.
The Maharishi who assembled the four Vedas is known as the Vedavyas.
The first Jain Tirthankara was Rishabhdev.
The sages of Sankadi received wisdom from Hans Avatar.
Known as Maryada Purushottam, Shri Ram Avatar was born during the Treta Yuga.
With sixteen arts, the Shri Krishna Avatar is regarded as the whole avatar.
The originator of Buddhism and an advocate of nonviolence is the Buddha Avatar.
At the conclusion of the Kali Yuga, the Kalki Avatar will destroy the sinners.
During various stages of creation, Lord Vishnu took on these 24 avatars in order to defend Dharma and vanquish Adharma.